Pendine, over the years has gained a reputation for providing live music whether at the Annual Music Festival or within the pubs, social clubs and cafés of the area.
Saturday, October 31st, Pendine Acoustic Music festival will take place at The Crow’s Nest, Morfa Bay Adventure from 2 p.m. till late.
Saturday, October 31st, Pendine Acoustic Music festival will take place at The Crow’s Nest, Morfa Bay Adventure from 2 p.m. till late.
The festival is attracting performers from all over the country aswell as local musicians from Carmarthen and Narbeth. The line up includes: London based, ‘Yasgur’s Farm’, and ‘The Dodgy Digits’ performing 60’s and 70’s covers throughout the night. Devon’s own, ‘Starcross Lovers’ and Pendine’s ‘Two Fat Cyclists’ will add to the variety with an ecletic mix of singalong. Time will be put aside for local youngsters to showcase their talent with an open mic slot.
All musicians are giving of their time towards the charity. All proceeds will go to Diabetes UK
BBQ and refreshments will be available at the site. Budget accommodation is available at Morfa Bay Advebnture from £10 per night. Contact Rhys on 01994 452091
The full list of performers can be found on www.thetwofatcyclists.co.uk/pamfest
On the Friday night, October 30th, The Two Fat Cyclists will support Yasgur’s Farm from 7 p.m. for an acoustic evening of wild music at The New Three Mariners Inn, Laugharne.