Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Rhys has somehow got his hands on a new toy! Looks like he had a lot of fun - who knows, we may see a new activity make an appearance at Morfa Bay in the not too distant future! Watch tis space!

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Youngest ever zip-liner!??!

Is this a new Morfa Bay record?
I believe so!!!! Jasmine (3.5yrs old) was up the ladder and down the slide before we could say SMILE FOR THE CAMERA!
Well done little one
I think in total she had 4 goes on the zip line, 3 on the abseil wall, 5 times up the climbing wall and quickly round the assault course!

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Friday, August 21, 2009

British Gas have a Gas

Team Leaders from British gas in Cardiff enjoyed Raft Building, Sumo Wrestling and the Assault Course durring their visit this week. The night before they enjoyed a night out in Laugharne - nothing like a cold dip in the briney to get rid of a hangover.

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